Thursday, April 16, 2020

Information Technology Transformation in Organizations

The authors of the given article cogitate about the issue of IT technologies and its development in terms of the functioning of various organizations. Being an extremely important part of modern society, IT technologies influence the way in which organizations accomplish their tasks greatly.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Information Technology Transformation in Organizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More That is why, the authors tend to prove the fact that all changes, which happen to IT functions, are influenced by various pressures that appear in society as the response to the development of the demand for various services. The given paper also contains the literature review which is made by the authors in order to outline the approaches towards the sphere of IT technologies that are peculiar nowadays. The given review also helps to prove the fact that nowadays IT function undergoes some transformation cau sed by the change in the environment. Additionally, the idea that even optimal IT functions, that have been used for a long period of time, should be changed is also emphasized. The authors try to ground their findings on various theories and concepts peculiar to the sphere of IT technologies. That is why the typological theory is analyzed by the authors. The given theory suggests a certain typology of IT functions and helps to understand their main functions. Besides, analyzing the theory of punctuated equilibrium, the authors also come to the idea that the change of the main IT function is inevitable as it is influenced by a great number of external factors. Performing the analysis of the functioning of a certain organization, the authors show that IT functions could be transformed in a certain period of time in order to meet the increased number of demands of various organizations. However, the authors also conclude that these changes to happen pressures and conditions have to ac cumulate and promote their combined influence on the IT function. The given article could be taken as a rather credible source that provides some information connected with the sphere of IT technologies. Thus, the theories used by the authors to provide the clear basis for their ideas could be taken as appropriate. They help to understand the main concepts of the IT function and recognize the basis of all changes that happen to the IT sector. Additionally, the combination of ideas, suggested in these theories, helps to make the authors assumptions more credible. Trying to show the process of change of the main peculiarities of IT functions the authors perform a case study analysis that helps to obtain clear data that proves their idea. Finally, the discussion provided by the authors helps to reconsider their main findings and look at the suggested issue from another perspective.Advertising Looking for essay on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The given article presents an important perspective on the very topical issue of IT technologies. The authors revolve around the idea that any IT function will be changed because of the influence of a great number of demands from its main users. Additionally, they also provide some theoretical basis for their cogitations, outlining some theories that could be applied to the analysis of the IT sector. Main concepts of these theories could be used in the further investigation of the given issue. With this in mind, it is possible to state the fact further development and change of some IT functions could be predicted as the number of demands and challenges grows. This essay on Information Technology Transformation in Organizations was written and submitted by user Kaliyah S. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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